腎臟的主要功能是將自然身體排毒。在腎功能不全(腎臟虛弱)的情況下,這種能力(取決於損傷的程度)只能有限度的維持。 Happy Cat Diet Kidney 心臟腎臟保健配方由獸醫推薦,大大減少蛋白質,磷,鈉和鎂的含量,有效改善貓隻慢性腎功能不全情況,適用於患有心臟疾病和預防胱氨酸和尿酸鹽結石。 |
大米麵粉,馬鈴薯片,家禽脂肪,家禽蛋白質,肉粉,馬鈴薯蛋白質,纖維素,魚粉,血紅蛋白,甜菜漿(去糖),肉粉,蘋果渣 ,亞麻子,酵母,氯化鉀,海藻,絲蘭,茜草根,酵母,乳薊,洋薊,蒲公英, 麝香,甘菊,芫荽,迷迭香,鼠尾草,甘草根,百里香
Complete diet food for adult cats to encourage kidney function in cats with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI).
All in One is a novel nutritional concept for cats, appropriate for all lifestages. The formula is characterised by the following features: hairball control, taurine and high quality animal protein, pH control for urinary tract health, tooth care, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids for healthy skin and haircoat, together with our guarantee of a very special taste experience and the unique Happy Cat Natural Life Concept®. Happy Cat Schonkost Niere Renal was specially developed for cats with chronic kidney insufficiency. The significantly lower contents of proteins, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium, reduces stress on the renal system. This tasty speciality is also received very well by picky cats. Important: This is not a dietary product for the prevention of kidney stones!